Reunion Hosts
Visit the Volunteer Form if you would like to apply to be a Reunion Host.
Serving as a Class/Affinity Group Reunion Host provides a vital service to the Office of Alumni Relations. You can choose whether to be a Class Reunion Host or Affinity Group Reunion host. Here are the details of both positions:
Affinity Group Hosts
Affinity Group Reunion Hosts recruit other members of the same type of “community” to attend reunions off and on campus. These can be alumni who share an experience with the same student group participation or even can be working in the same career field. They reach out by calling, texting, emailing or visiting with other like-minded alumni to get them involved and engaged in these events. Some examples of successful affinity groups include Oglethorpe Black Alumni Network, Young Alumni Club, Stormy Petrel Athletics, Oglethorpe Greeks, OU Accountants, The Stormy Petrel Bar Association, OU Singers, and more. If you have an idea for a new affinity group, let us know on the Volunteer Form!
Reunion Hosts
The Oglethorpe campus community is excited to welcome you home for Alumni Weekend each year. We always have a wonderful weekend full of fun events taking place, including a Class Reunion celebration. We need your help in getting as many Stormy Petrels as possible to join us on campus to celebrate your reunion. If you are interested in serving on your Class Reunion Host Committee, please contact us at [email protected] or 404.364.8893.
Serving on the Host Committee is easy and fun! All that is required is lending your name to the invitation and other communications we will send out to your classmates and encouraging them to attend. We have found that a core group of enthusiastic alumni can create excitement among classmates and generate anticipation of coming home to Oglethorpe University. We would love your help!
We hope to see you in April!