In Memory
Oglethorpe mourns the loss of members of our alumni family. Here, we honor fellow Petrels who have passed away.
If you would like to notify the university about an alumna or alumnus who has passed away, please email [email protected].
Gifts can be made to the university to honor the memory of a classmate or faculty member through a tribute or memorial gift, ensuring a legacy that extends far into the future.
This list is organized by the Oglethorpe graduation year and includes updates reported to the university by family members, newspapers and other sources for graduates of the last seven decades. Each entry includes the name, graduation year, date of passing, and a link to an obituary when available.
Albion M. Acree ’50
Thomas W. Aiola ’50
Edwin H. Ashendorf ’50
James E. Baker ’50
James H. Barnett ’50, 2/24/2011
Hunter J. Bassett ‘50
Louise Bassett ‘50
Mitchell C. Bishop ’50, 11/8/2007
Vol T. Blacknall ’50
William B. Bone ’50, 2/15/2014
Louie C. Bowen ’50
Marybeth Bowers ’50
Doris A. Bratcher ’50, 6/9/1993
Katherine Breck ‘50
William R. Brown ’50, 3/18/2017
Edward J. Bryson ‘50
Gordon C. Bynum ’50, 7/1/2016
Oathie A. Byram ’50, 8/1/2009
Diane F. Carr ’50, 12/1/2009
Ben M. Carrie ’50, 5/31/2012
Kenneth L. Christy ’50
Lawrence P. Cobb ’50
Ronald R. Colby ’50
Elizabeth Collins ’50, 4/8/2013
Pat A. Communale ’50, 2/10/2018
A. Cox ’50
Alice G. Crenshaw ’50, 4/9/2021
Jane E. Curkin ’50
Donald Denny ‘50
Robert M. Devaney ’50, 11/27/2007
Albert B. Drake ’50
Robert L. Ellis ’50
Frances W. Fancher ’50
Anne Faraone ’50, 7/31/2010
Vincent Faraone ’50
John M. Flanigen ’50, 8/24/2019
Paula R. Friedman ’50, 4/7/2002
Norman D. Gibson ’50, 1/20/2022
James L. Gisi ’50, 9/27/2005
Stuart I. Goldring ’50, 1/2/2010
Suzanne O. Greenwald ’50, 5/1/2010
John S. Green, Jr. ’50, 9/2/2021
Marguerite A. Greer ’50, 4/24/2017
William J. Guice ’50
Dean S. Haggerty ’50, 4/17/2006
Samuel M. Hirsch ’50
Marion R. Houston ’50, 6/27/1995
Lina C. Isanhour ’50, 3/8/2021
Joan M. Jackson ’50
William G. Johnson ’50, 6/21/2009
A.Z. Z. Johnson ’50
William A. Judge ’50
Robert D. Klein ’50
Marion D. Lockleer ’50, 11/29/2012
Samuel J. Martin ’50
James R. Martin-Vegue ’50
Alan H. Mills ’50
William M. Olliff ’50, 5/27/2019
Norma J. Parker ’50
James R. Phillips ’50
Barbara Pike ’50
Verlyn V. Prewett ’50
Ernest R. Procalo ’50, 11/16/2013
Jerrold J. Quin ’50
James C. Robinson ’50, 11/2/2004
Margaret A. Robinson ’50, 3/28/2012
Walter B. Robinson ’50
Audry Ross ’50
Donald Scarboro ’50
Martha J. Scott ’50, 10/24/2011
George E. Scott ’50
Diane Scott ’50
Paul G. Sheppard ’50
Leroy M. Shiver ’50, 7/5/2001
Walter V. Slack ’50, 10/9/2017
John E. Smith ’50
Jack M. Smit ’50, 4/16/2002
Paul M. Smith ’50
Doris B. Solomon ’50
Roy E. Speir ’50, 11/17/2015
Earle C. Taylor ’50
Robert H. Thomas ’50
Virgil E. Tritt ’50
William E. Tyndale ’50
Stephen T. Van Houten ’50
Richard C. Voth ’50
Richard R. Waldron ’50
Wendell W. Weaver ’50
Frances Wesson ’50
Gale G. Acuff ’51
John P. Amico ’51
Martha Z. Bator ’51, 11/6/2016
Thomas S. Booth ’51, 10/17/2008
Russell W. Borgstede ‘51
Ann Marie Brace ’51, 5/31/2016
Katherine F. Breen ’51
Sally Swank Burke ’51, 5/12/2021
Julianne M. Carver ’51
Bronston D. Cass ’51
Charles E. Clack ’51
Deloris Coleman ’51, 6/17/2014
Alvin J. Curkin ’51, 4/18/2012
B. Doar ’51
William E. Dove ’51, 5/12/2020
Virginia B. Eck ’51
Jerome C. Elliott ’51, 10/25/2007
Lillian Ellis ’51
Clarence L. Fallaw ’51, 3/22/1994
Gertrude Fink ’51
Guilio J. Fino ’51
John R. Fisher ’51, 11/9/2010
Douglas Forbes ’51
Jack C. Fussell ’51
Ernest J. Gaines ’51
Raymond F. Gebhardt ’51
Richard F. Grotefend ’51, 4/13/2006
Telete Grotefend ’51, 12/20/2011
John W. Hall ’51, 1/14/2013
Rosemary Harris ’51, 3/16/2005
David S. Hesse ’51
Robert S. Hornsby ’51
Jayne Huybensz ’51, 1/23/2011
Frank L. Jenkins ’51, 11/15/2016
Lucius M. Johnson ’51
Lawrence B. Knapp ’51, 4/29/2012
Jordan M. Levinson ’51, 12/28/2010
Jessie L. Lyons ’51
Mary Louise MacNeil ’51, 5/24/2021
Donald C. MacNeil ’51
Avis Matthews ’51
John D. McBeath ’51
Robert W. McEllen ’51
Harold L. McKay ’51
Robert L. Owen ’51
James G. Page ’51
Allene Petty ’51
Charles W. Reyner ’51
Dorothy Ronan ’51
Paul F. Roth ’51
Peggy Scott ’51, 12/23/2014
Ronald P. Sinkway ’51, 11/7/1992
David M. Smith ’51
Jack W. Strouss ’51, 10/15/2016
John P. Tackaberry ’51
Walter H. Tanner ’51, 7/6/2007
Beverly B. Thompsom ’51
Nell P. Trimble ’51
Lee S. Truxes ’51
Betty A. Van Houten ’51
Webb H. Vermilya ’51, 5/17/2012
Patricia L. Walichowski ’51
Jean G. Walter ’51, 4/8/2015
William B. Williamson ’51
Maryanne Wilson ’51
Ann Wilt ’51, 10/6/2009
Estelle Adams ’52
John F. Agel ’52, 6/5/2016
Gladys M. Andrews ’52
Pattie E. Anglin ’52
Norman J. Arnold ’52, 8/16/2016
Henry C. Atchison ’52, 6/2/2016
Raymond H. Backes ’52
William G. Bailey ’52
Juanita C. Barton ’52
Barrett L. Barton ’52
Asher I. Benator ’52, 6/29/2013
Jane C. Bloemer ’52, 6/6/2015
Margaret B. Bloodworth ’52, 4/13/2011
Muriel Lewis Bono ’52, 1/23/2022
Frances Booker ’52
Ira G. Bottoms ’52
Ethel C. Bowen ’52
Martha Brogdon ’52
Mary C. Brooks ’52
James R. Brown ’52
Albert F. Burns ’52
William E. Burton ’52
Roy W. Bynum ’52, 8/30/2015
Robert W. Carson ’52, 3/11/2008
Clarence E. Cates ’52, 12/21/2008
Nancy Downs Chandler ’52, 6/19/2021
Elizabeth Cheek ’52
Louise F. Clements ’52
Stephen D. Coine ’52
Rosemary Coons ’52
Edna Cox ’52, 3/21/1989
Lucie Craig ’52
Edna Cramer ’52
Frederick M. Darden ’52
Alphonso A. Dilucido ’52
Ruth Dix ’52
Ronald J. Dunn ’52, 12/28/2010
Evelyn Elliott ’52
Caroline D. Ellis ’52, 4/1/2018
Ruth A. Fargason ’52
Donald R. Ferry ’52, 4/14/2020
Grace Fincher ’52
Clare S. Findley ’52
William A. Fischer ’52
Helen K. Franklin ’52
R. Freeman ’52, 7/3/2017
Frances Freeman ’52
Lula T. Garrett ’52, 3/11/1996
Patricia Gentry ’52, 11/9/2013
Frances George ’52
Col. Sheldon I. Godkin ’52, 1/18/2022
Hilda Goodelman ’52, 2/14/2014
Barbara Gunn ’52, 11/11/2015
Virginia B. Hammond ’52
James E. Henderson ’52, 7/8/2022
Helen H. Hill ’52, 11/9/2009
Marie T. Hood ’52, 9/15/2007
Elizabeth Hutchens ’52
Colquitt Joiner ’52
William H. Jones ’52
Elizabeth Kirk ’52
James W. Koontz ’52, 9/17/2016
Pierce L. Landrum ’52
Mary H. Lathem ’52, 9/25/1999
Ruth Little ’52
Carlos J. Lively ’52
Jeraline Longino ’52
F. Maddox ’52
Leola Marchman ’52
Harry F. Martin ’52
Katharine B. Means ’52
Sara E. Minter ’52
Hugh A. Mitchell ’52
Virginia Monfort ’52
Benjamin F. Moore ’52
Robert F. Moskowitz ’52, 11/28/2020
Elizabeth Moye ’52
Marjorie B. Muth ’52
Nettie Nail ’52
Adeline A. O’Malley ’52, 6/2/2024
Joseph T. Overton ’52, 10/12/2011
Marvin J. Palmer ’52
Margie Patterson ’52
John C. Powell ’52
Lucy F. Robinson ’52
Annie M. Rose ’52
Marjorie L. Rowan ’52
John W. Runyon ’52
Sue Sanders ’52
Madison M. Sanders ’52
Margaret Sanders ’52
Victoria A. Seifarth ’52, 1/4/2009
Maggie Smith ’52
Addie F. Staley ’52
Barbara P. Stancil ’52
Chester S. Story ’52
Mildred L. Sutton ’52
Katherine H. Switzer ’52
Evelyn S. Wade ’52
Helen Wallace ’52
Louise Wallace ’52
Sarah Walthall ’52
Jackie Wells ’52
Frank C. Williams ’52
Leona L. Williams ’52
Margaret E. Willoughby ’52
Elizabeth Wills ’52
Nancy C. Wood ’52
Myrtle C. Alexander ’53
Sallie P. Allen ’53, 6/14/2000
Virginia Bagwell ’53
Edmund A. Bator ’53, 8/6/2013
Virginia Beasley ’53
Donald J. Bloemer ’53
Evelyn Boswell ’53
Dorothy Bruhn ’53
William A. Bryan ’53
Voythtell Buice ’53
Thelma Butler ’53, 7/2/1999
Margaret Caldwell ’53
Louise M. Cameron ’53
Gladys Cantrell ’53
Lucile Capps ’53
Dorothy Sanders Carlile ’53, 1/19/25
Ethelyn Chambliss ’53
Hazel Wilson Cofield ’53, 12/15/2024
Velma Cogburn ’53
William E. Cole ’53
James L. Cox ’53, 6/25/2022
Adelyn E. Davis ’53
Elizabeth Dean ’53
Warren F. Debes ’53
Patricia A. Doran ’53, 11/30/2020
Inez Dorris ’53
Wilma Eberhart ’53
Emily A. Edwards ’53
Hattie S. Elrod ’53
Dudley W. Engelson ’53
Judy Fall ’53
Delores Ferry ’53, 4/14/2020
David Fischer ’53
Sheldon H. Fleitman ’52, 2/9/2011
Irene Fowler ’53
Carolyn H. Geishecker ’53
Cornelia Gunter ’53
Leola Harsh ’53
Ruth Terry Hawk ’53, 12/10/2021
Robert L. Hayes ’53, 1/27/2008
Bess Hayes ’53
Frances Mangleburg Hicks ’53, 1/4/2019
Richard T. Holmberg ’53
Willis M. Horton ’53, 9/15/2009
Estelle Howington ’53
Betty R. Huber ‘53
Wawena Hughs ’53
Roy W. Johnson ’53, 2/3/2017
Rule Johnson ’53
Jane G. Johnston ’53
Lola J. Jones ’53
Elizabeth Kessler ’53, 8/14/2019
Billye J. Key ’53, 12/1/2009
Mae Killian ’53
Roumania Lassetter ’53
Frances Lawrence ’53
Lucy Leslie ’53
Elizabeth Leverett ’53
Gwendolyn Moss Lewis ’53
Florence Limehouse ’53
Lucile Lunceford ’53
Jeanne A. MacPherson ’53, 8/27/2010
Eva A. Mask ’53
Ben J. May ’53
Mildred Mays ’53
Ella McBrayer ’53, 9/26/2018
Robert F. McCormack ’53, 8/27/2005
Fred T. Melgrad ’53
Charles W. Merritt ’53
Mary A. Mitchell ’53
Ulva Moore ’53
Maggie Moore ’53
Thelma Morris ’53
Elizabeth Elder Mullins ’53, 1/4/2011
Iris K. Nicholson ’53, 2/8/2016
Betty A. O’Quinn ’53
Marian Marcus Packer ’53, 7/20/2020
Corrine E. Owens ’53
Ruby L. Pace ’53
Mary Ann Peek ’53
Marvin Posner ’53
Gladys Price ’53
Mary C. Ray ’53
Noel A. Ripley ’53
Joseph L. Roberts ’53, 1/14/2019
Willie C. Robinson ’53
Stella I. Rountree ’53
James F. Ruggles ’53
Ona Russell ’53
William W. Satterwhite ’53
John W. Shadix ’53
Osceola K. K. Sheffield ’53, 12/19/2011
Mary Shell ’53, 10/1/2008
Jeanne Shelton ’53
Betty Soper ’53, 11/16/2017
Rubie Stamps ’53
Robert D. Stanley ’53
Charles V. Stone ’53, 4/9/2010
Mary N. Stone ’53, 12/1/2011
Estelle Flax Strauss ’53, 8/15/2019
Yula Strickland ’53, 12/1/1985
Elizabeth A. Sturdivant ’53, 10/19/2008
Edwin R. Sturdivant ’53, 9/12/2007
Daisy Swanson ‘53
Frank Whitfield L. Terhune ’53
Gloria Hogan Thornwell ’53, 12/15/2009
Jocelyn R. Treacy ’53
Ruth E. Vaught ’53, 11/8/2016
Helen Waddell ’53
Janie Walthall ’53
Robert L. Wells ’53
Mae Westbrook ’53
Alice Williams ’53
Myra Willis ’53
Sue Willis ’53
Fay L. Wilmer ’53, 5/16/1996
Lee A. Wilson ’53, 5/1/2020
Nelle Wilson ’53
Agnes A. Abner ’54
Ailene C. Arensbach ’54, 10/12/2011
Theresa A. Arwood ’54
Isaac W. Avery ’54
Burgess K. Baker ’54
Hazel Barton ’54
Milton Bauman ’54
Eloise H. Beck ’54
Marie Beebe ’54
Sprincia B. Block ’54
Marye O. Boggs ’54
Joan Borden ’54
Mary F. Bowlan ’54, 2/16/2013
Mary L. Brown ’54
Naomi L. Burgess ’54
Florence P. Burtz ’54
Eva Cantrell ’54
Mary A. Carley ’54
Mary R. Cazalas ’54, 9/20/2013
Homer S. Chapman ’54
Eveline Christian ’54
Louise Christian ’54, 2/18/2015
Harold Cochran ’54, 7/17/2021
Warren E. Coleman ’54
Frances Cook ’54
Richard S. Cumming ’54
William F. Cummings ’54, 10/4/2014
Juanita Davis ’54, 4/2/2009
Ruth Deck ’54
Ralph L. Dolgoff ’54, 1/28/2015
Harriet G. Dono ’54
Guy H. Dority ’54, 11/18/2004
Elene Downen ’54
Ivy F. Drake ’54
Bennis W. Duke ’54
Marie Edmondson ’54
Robert W. Emery ’54
Charles H. Ethridge ’54
Ruth H. Exley ’54
Jennie M. Farmer ’54
Michael D. Farrin ’54
Ray H. Fennelle ’54, 2/13/2011
Doris Fraser ’54
Emily G. Fuller ’54
Ruth M. Gaddis ’54
Janey Garrett ’54, 8/25/2010
Paul A. Harden ’54
Charles S. Harris ’54, 3/25/2008
Sarah C. Hathorn ’54
Nellie K. Heaton ’54
Evelyn Henderson ’54
Carolyn Henslee ’54, 3/10/2003
Polly Hinde ’54, 1/19/2017
Lucille Hood ‘54
Eula Hoyt ’54
Mary S. Humphrey ’54
Frances Ivey ‘54
Madge Jackson ’54
Grace Johnson ’54, 5/25/2004
Connie J. Jones ’54
Elizabeth King ’54
Annie L. Lacy ’54
Sarah R. Letchas ’54, 12/7/2011
Martha G. Likins ’54, 5/27/2022
Lawrence M. Lippman ’54, 4/7/2011
Mary A. Lively ’54
William H. Maloney ’54
Ruth Martin ’54
Margaret C. McCann ’54
Annette M. McClure ’54, 10/24/2015
Ruth Merchant ’54
Virgil W. Milton ’54, 2/21/1990
Mildred Moore ’54
Thomas G. Morris ’54
Margaret Morrison ’54, 10/23/2018
Gladys Murphy ’54
June Murphy-Aldridge ’54
Ann Nail ’54
Cynthia S. Nattrass ’54, 5/13/2016
Grace Neal ’54, 12/1/2007
Doris Nichols ‘54
August H. Niemeyer ’54
Eugene W. O’Brien ‘54
Jean C. Owen ’54, 7/5/2012
Jewel B. Palmer ’54
Fannie Pearson ‘54
Gladys M. Peck ’54, 12/28/1996
Jennie M. Poarch ’54
James A. Pogue ’54
Rueben Q. Pugh ‘54
Eugenia K. Ramsey ’54, 3/10/2002
Jewell Rape ’54
Dorothy S. Rawlins ’54, 3/11/2020
Ruth E. Rennie ’54, 1/10/2012
Robert T. Seymour ’54, 1/19/2016
Clifton B. Smith ’54
Annie R. Smith ’54
Elizabeth B. Snead ’54
Frank E. Specht ’54, 2/14/2015
Miriam Specht ’54, 9/17/2023
Rosamond Stancil ’54
Pellie Stephens ’54
Mary D. Stephens ’54, 7/21/2006
Carrie S. Stewart ’54
Anna H. Still ’54
Angeline J. Stone ’54
Julia Terry ’54
Martha Thrasher ’54
Jean Sheppard Tumlin ’54, 5/2/2015
Montine C. Twitty ’54
Louisa Welch ’54, 6/23/1998
Irene West ’54
Ann Williams ’54, 4/17/2017
Mary A. Wilson ’54
Lucile M. Wilson ’54, 7/4/2006
Edna E. Young ’54
Donald E. Zurek ’54, 2/18/2016
Martha C. Abney ’55
Frances Adams ’55
Stanley P. Aldridge ’55
Anna E. Allen ’55, 4/26/2019
Sue Bagley ’55
Mary Bagwell ’55
Richard C. Bennett ’55, 10/15/2013
Marguerita Blaisdell ’55
Melinda S. Boston ’55
Barbara A. Botero ’55, 4/19/2014
Ruth Brannon ’55
Su Ellen Bray ’55, 10/17/2014
Kathryn Burkholder ’55
Charlene Caldwell ’55, 5/14/2017
Trammell Carmichael ’55
Charles A. Carpenter ’55
Ruth Dabney ’55
Willard Dillard ’55
Equitta Duke ’55
Mary Ellis ’55
Alma J. Freeman ’55
Peggy A. Geren ’55, 10/19/2020
John S. Goodrich ’55
Mary E. Green ’55
John M. Grier ’55
Flournoy L. Hardy ’55
Richard J. Hill ’55
Charlotte R. Hoffert ’55
Mary S. Housworth ’55
Willie K. Howe ’55
Mattie L. Johnson ’55, 3/1/2006
Joan Joseph ’55, 5/12/2012
Sarah Kokal ’55
Preston C. Lacy ’55
Onabee Lemming ’55
Ethel Linsey ’55
Mildred Livingstone ’55
Perrillah Malone ’55
Anne McLennan ’55
Luther J. McWilliams ’55, 7/27/2006
Marie L. Meacham ’55
Fred A. Miller ’55, 9/14/2011
Virginia Mobley ’55
Betty Moore ’55
Frances Mull ’55, 6/20/2007
Sandra S. Myers ’55, 7/20/2022
Grace J. Nichols ’55, 12/15/2010
Joe E. Nichols ’55
Jefferson D. Nix ’55
Jennings B. Parks ’55
Reuben C. Payne ’55
Grace S. Porter ’55, 10/20/2016
Ann M. Porterfield ‘55
Pauline Pounds ’55
Mattalu Powell ’55
Venice Ray ’55
Patricia A. Reid ’55
Sara M. Reynolds ’55
Reuben M. Reynolds ‘55
Doris M. Sanders ’55, 5/2/2023
Ruth V. Skanner ’55
Louis E. Smedley ’55
William J. Smith ’55
Sara K. Smith ’55
Dorothy Stancil ’55
Viola Still ’55
Eleanor J. Suddeth ’55
Mildred L. Suder ’55
Janet D. Thompson ’55, 11/13/2013
Della O. Threatt ’55
Walter W. Turrentine ’55, 7/3/2011
Russell J. Van Deventer ’55
Annette Verner ’55
Opal Watson ’55, 4/4/2012
William A. Weatherby ’55
Colea M. White ‘55
Mozelle Whitlaw ’55, 11/4/2006
Helen Wilbanks ’55
Grace Avery ’56
Ruth L. Banks ’56, 3/3/2018
Dallas C. Banks ’56
Ruth Barrett ’56
Lois Semel Blonder ’56, 3/23/2024
Hayden Bohanan ’56
Mary Boland ’56
Jacqueline Boles ’56, 12/6/2020
Beverly W. Bosak ’56
Wilson L. Brannon ’56, 3/16/2020
William S. Brown ’56
Elizabeth Buice ’56
V. Burke ’56, 2/1/2009
Mina Burkett ’56
Frances Butler ’56, 7/8/2006
Caroline Butler ’56
Lynelle Chambers ’56, 10/31/2019
Mabel Chappell ’56
Moselle T. Chappell ’56
Elene Christmas ’56
Lois Cole ’56
Cora Colquitt ’56, 12/5/2006
Margaret Copeland ’56
Jay Theodore Cosmato ’56, 8/13/2016
John E. Cozine ’56
James A. Deese ’56
Jane A. Dempsey ’56, 5/5/2017
Monica Dupuy ’56
Edward M. English ’56
Nancy F. English ’56, 7/21/2016
Amy Estes ’56
Oliver B. Francis ‘56
Eunice L. Fraser ’56
Howard Frazier ’56
Annie M. Garner ’56
Pauline Gilland ’56
Patricia C. Gilstrap ’56, 5/20/2009
Vivian Goolsby ’56
Virginia W. Green ’56
Jane J. Green ’56, 10/18/2010
John W. Grimes ’56, 7/8/2023
Paul E. Hawkins ’56, 12/26/2011
Lemuel T. Holley ’56
Alfred D. Ingersoll ’56, 11/16/2006
Blanche W. Jarrett ’56
Gertrude Jones ’56
William A. Jordan ’56
Emily A. Kimberly ’56
Isla King ’56, 7/28/2009
Marilyn H. King ’56, 3/14/2020
Joseph P. Lee ’56
Herbert H. Lefcourt ’56, 2/5/2002
Dorothy S. Lewis ’56
Josie M. Lewis ’56, 5/16/2008
Robert W. Lovett ’56, 2/16/2020
Carl L. Lunsford ’56
Clare F. Magbee ’56
Reva L. McDaniel ’56
Lila McDill ’56, 8/29/2007
Mable McGraw ’56
Lester McGukin ’56, 4/12/2019
Ruth Middleton ’56
James D. Mills ’56, 12/3/2019
Patterson N. Mitchell ’56
Margaret E. Montgomery ’56
Mary J. Norton ’56
Lula Payne ’56
Marion T. Pharr ’56
Pauline M. Philips ’56
Hazel Phillips ’56, 12/13/2000
Minnie L. Power ’56
Norena Prater ’56
Elizabeth J. Ramsden ’56, 7/20/2012
Margaret Rickman ’56
John S. Saleeby ’56, 12/11/2020
James C. Scoggins ’56, 12/4/2000
Elizabeth “Jo” Hammond Shamblin ’56, 10/18/2019
Thomas W. Snow ’56
Emily R. Strange ’56
Esther Strickland ’56
Maurice C. Strickland ’56
Mildred M. Watson ’56, 1/21/2003
William A. Wehunt ’56, 4/21/2012
Joe E. White ’56, 12/2/2019
Betty Wiley ’56
Joseph J. Accardi ’57, 10/15/2011
William R. Anderson ’57
Charles D. Arwood ’57, 3/1/2007
Charles E. Autry ’57
Ellen K. Bayley ’57, 10/25/2018
Richard W. Belger ’57
Bishop M. Bell ’57
Charles V. Bethea ’57
Everette R. Blanchett ’57, 10/7/2006
John T. Bragg ’57, 4/23/2020
Marietta Branson ’57
Ann M. Breedlove ’57, 1/17/2015
Harry E. Bridges ’57, 1/22/2012
Louise Brown ’57
Patrice Burdett ’57, 7/21/2015
Joy Butler ’57
Billy P. Camp ’57, 12/18/2018
Jane B. Chandler ’57, 7/30/2019
Mary E. Clark ’57
Grady R. Clayton ’57
Maragarette L. Cline ’57
Ruby L. Cline ’57
Robert L. Clow ’57
Pearl Conaway ’57
Vivian Cranford ’57, 10/21/2014
Hannah H. Curtiss ’57
Frances V. Dallas ’57
William B. Davis ’57
Marianne M. Dillard ’57, 5/31/2019
Lavonia Dixon ’57
Eula J. Dodd ’57
James J. Doran ’57
Freida B. Duffey ’57, 6/15/2008
William P. Dunn ’57
Eunie Ezzell ’57
Marianne Falck Baranan ’57, 11/16/2006
Claude F. Ferrell ’57
David G. Fisher ’57, 9/2/2015
Jane M. Frushtick ’57
Martha Gastineau ’57
Otis F. Gilbreath ‘57
Harry L. Greene ’57, 7/20/2011
Bess Griffin ’57
Peggy Guillebeau ’57, 3/20/2018
James H. Hammond ’57
Dorothy W. Harris ’57
David J. Hawkins ’57, 2/25/2017
Robert A. Hawkins ’57, 2/19/2013
Martha C. Hellerstedt ’57, 11/11/2014
Mary L. Henderson ’57
Marie C. Henry ’57
Mary Hicks ’57
Robert J. Hilbert ’57
Evelyn M. House ’57
James B. Hurst ’57
Milton H. Hutcheson ’57, 9/1/2009
Christine C. Jackson ’57, 11/23/2019
Ruby R. Johnson ’57
George C. Jones ’57, 3/3/2016
Tommie Jones ’57
Merle W. Keiser ’57
Edith Leduke ’57
Elizabeth Long ’57, 7/9/2007
Gordon L. Lyle ’57, 7/29/2020
Joel D. Lynch ’57, 1/9/2020
James A. Magee ’57, 5/9/2018
Dorothy Magee ’57, 8/29/2008
William B. Maurer ’57, 9/1/2011
Edward B. McDade ‘57, 11/9/2010
Lois W. McGukin ’57, 8/29/2015
Annie Meek ’57
Marie Merrell ’57
James P. Milton ’57, 2/2/2018
Joyce Minors ’57
Nellie L. Moon ’57, 5/24/2006
Gwendolyn B. Moore ’57, 7/18/2004
Clara V. Morris ’57, 12/6/2012
Martha W. Mozley ’57
Evelyn Mozley ’57
Albert A. Myers ’57
Elizabeth Parker ’57
Dorothy Pearson ’57
Myrle H. Ponder ’57
Frances Creekmore Portwood ’57, 7/2/2024
Winnie Powell ’57
Era Pressley ’57
Judy Promnitz ’57
Mary F. Puett ’57
Calton P. Ragsdale ’57
Naomi A. Reilly ’57, 10/21/1999
Annette Robinson ’57
Charles F. Scott ’57, 10/20/2021
Josef Harold Shalett ’57, 1/21/2024
Warren G. Shore ’57, 10/27/2007
Carl Simmons ’57
William C. Smith ’57, 4/25/2013
Phyllis Smolen ’57, 6/3/2008
David P. Suleiman ’57
Joseph F. Tarrer ’57, 9/29/2010
Maxine Thompson ’57
Gladys Russ Tilley ’57
Pearl Todd ’57
Robert S. Walters ’57
Elizabeth O. Wilde ’57
Allie J. Williamson ’57
Hines Lawrence Wommack ’57, 7/3/2023
Vashti Woodruff ’57
James B. Abbott ’58
Edithgene B. Abbott ’58
Elizabeth Abney ’58
Marguerite Adams ’58, 3/22/2009
Richard T. Bartenfeld ’58, 12/11/2015
Frances Bartlett ’58
Ted D. Bayley ’58, 7/6/2011
Thomas J. Bennett ‘58
Miriam Berry ’58
Cora L. Bishop ’58
Daniel L. Bolt ’58, 11/14/2021
Lawrence L. Boyers ’58, 5/8/2006
Minnie L. Bradbury ’58
Alice Braswell ’58
Lila Burke ’58
George T. Caraker ’58
Robert G. Cato ’58
Ruth Chapman ’58
Lois L. Cloud ’58
Alfred E. Coker ’58, 12/27/2018
Mary L. Davis ’58
Albert L. Dismer ’58
Lillian H. Ferren ’58
Clinton L. Fincher ’58, 3/4/2022
Sarah Fogel ’58
Jewell Forrester ’58
William R. Foster ’58, 8/15/2019
John L. Foster ’58, 1/29/2022
Christina Freeman ’58, 5/30/2020
Robert L. Garbutt ’58, 2/27/2006
Arley M. Gardner ’58
Reva Greenberg ’58
Irene Griessman ’58
Herman E. Haygood ’58
Thelma R. Haynes ’58
Russell H. Haynie ’58
Harold R. Ingle ’58
John F. Johnson ’58, 7/1/2011
Mary F. Johnston ’58, 1/29/2022
Irlene King ‘58
Robert L. Lancaster ’58
Marvin W. Lawson ’58
Catherine L. Leonard ’58
Doyal P. Lewis ’58
Doris Lynch ’58, 1/28/2017
Diana C. Marsh ’58
Edward L. Millikan ’58
Sally W. Mizelle ’58
John Alan Moore ’58, 4/13/2024
Margaret G. Morris ’58
Daniel M. Munn ’58
Eugene H. Musser ’58
David M. Nash ’58
Emily Owings ’58
Evelyn E. Pickard ’58
Hubert F. Posea ’58
Ola Ragsdale ’58
Gay N. Ratteree ’58, 12/19/2000
Harold C. Reece ’58
Mary B. Rice ’58
Donald T. Rustin ’58, 3/13/2015
Bette Schuenemann ’58
Louise Seale ‘58
Inez B. Seitz ’58, 12/23/2004
Elizabeth W. Sewell ’58
William M. Shaheen ’58
Francis F. Shipton ’58
Mildred Simpson ’58
Annette Smith ’58, 1/27/2004
Beadie Smith ’58, 3/28/2007
Mildred J. Speights ’58, 3/13/2018
Charles F. Stalnaker ’58, 8/2/2012
Eddie Starnes ’58, 7/26/2017
Ernest R. Stone ’58
Robert W. Styron ’58
Sherman D. Tomlinson ’58
Martha Adams Thompson ’58, 11/7/24
Johnie Turner ’58
Lt. John Will Voss ’58, 1/11/2010
Robert H. Williams ’58, 06/12/2022
Martha R. Williamson ’58
John D. Witt ’58
Kermit Wood ’58
Glenn B. Woods ’58
Elise Wright ’58
Virginia Wynn ’58
Sue M. Adair ’59
Eleanor R. Anderson ’59, 2/5/2008
Eugene C. Bales ’59, 12/12/2020
Wallace M. Beasley ’59
Paul V. Beebe ’59
Jack L. Bennett ’59
Ruth S. Bird ’59
Joseph A. Bostardi ’59
Max M. Bowman ’59, 4/26/1997
Wilma D. Brown ’59
Alice Brown ’59
Allie Buice ’59
William G. Cagle ’59
Bill W. Carter ’59, 1/24/2017
Addison W. Carter ’59, 12/1/2011
Joan Casey ’59
William B. Christian ’59, 1/11/2011
Juanita Dixon ’59, 5/5/2005
Shirley Dolgoff ’59
Joseph P. Duckworth ’59, 7/23/24
Jack A. Etheridge ’59, 9/21/2022
Jane K. Force ’59, 5/16/2007
Malcolm W. Forte ’59, 7/4/2008
Marian A. Foster ’59
Elizabeth M. Garrison ’59, 7/7/2011
James L. Green ’59, 3/17/2007
Joe T. Green ’59, 2/24/2008
Mary L. Greig ’59, 3/2/2008
James T. Griffin ’59
Connie J. Hale ’59, 6/12/2003
Anna Hamilton ’59, 3/24/2016
Caroline Lawton Hancock ’59, 8/4/2016
Mary C. Hester ’59, 10/15/2010
Franklin D. Holley ’59
Kathleen Holt ’59
Dorothy Honea ’59
Jack L. Jewell ’59, 10/13/1992
Hettie E. Johnson ’59
Jerry W. Jordan ’59, 1/6/2015
Koo S. Kim ’59, 2/3/2000
Joseph E. Lamb ’59
Hattie Langley ’59
Thomas M. Lastringer ’59, 6/26/2006
Willie B. Lemaster ’59
Harris Lentini ’59, 9/18/2013
Thomas M. Mitchell ’59
John E. Mobley ’59
Agnes Mosteller ’59
Clarence E. Norman ’59
Andrew J. Olsen ’59, 4/25/2013
Vera Orr ’59
Marian O’Toole ’59
Helen Oxford ’59
Ethelyn Purdie ’59, 11/20/2006
Helen W. Ritchey ’59
Shirley F. Roper ’59, 10/1/2013
Joe M. Sewell ’59, 11/29/2019
Frank L. Simmons ’59
Lucy L. Smith ’59, 12/29/2014
Mildred H. Sosebee ’59
Rita Marholin Steinberger ’59, 6/22/2023
Patrick D. Stephens ’59
Barbara J. Sykes ’59, 10/11/2011
Marie Turner ’59
Virginia W. Vorderburg ’59
McDonald Willis ’59, 7/13/2019
Louis Wuichet ’59
Fay Yow ’59
Harold L. Adair ’60, 5/1/2020
Joseph S. Alexander ’60, 4/17/2023
George S. Anderson ’60, 3/25/2010
Helen Avery ’60
Jerry B. Ayers ’60, 9/23/1999
Sidney M. Barbanel ’60, 9/8/2008
Howard D. Barber ’60
Ellanor K. Barnes ’60
Verna Blackstock ’60
Frederick C. Bonner ’60, 2/26/2017
James R. Calhoon ’60
David F. Camp ’60, 9/18/2017
Monique M. Coker ’60
Thomas E. Deacon ’60, 11/29/2021
Barbara L. Dodd ’60
Robert I. Doyal ’60
Atauar R. Faruquee ’60, 2/10/2015
John R. Fields, ’60, 5/25/2005
Mary J. Fletcher ’60, 5/15/2021
Edith C. Gantt ’60
Caroline Harrison ’60
Sandra L. Hauck ’60, 12/26/2018
Florence Hill ’60, 9/16/2017
Marcelle Howard ’60
Virginia Howard ’60, 9/1/2014
Louis W. Hutchinson ’60, 3/19/2018
Charles O. Jackson ’60
T. Jones ’60, 1/17/2007
William N. Kelly ’60, 8/15/1987
Margaret D. Lackland ’60, 5/5/1998
Roland R. Larson ’60
Frank D. Lentz ’60, 9/18/2019
Robert W. Loftin ’60
Dennis A. Michael ’60, 11/15/2015
Floy J. Moore ’60, 5/1/1987
Jan E. Mundorff ’60, 6/25/2009
Lillian C. Neighbors ’60
Martha R. Nesbit ’60, 1/27/2010
Lawrence L. Parlett ’60
Clara L. Pirkle ’60
Michael G. Pruett ’60, 9/26/2007
Barbara A. Ramsden ’60, 2/19/2009
Edna Reinhold ’60
Mary D. Robert ’60, 2/20/2022
Patricia J. Scheible ’60, 8/20/2019
Scott A. Shamp ’60, 12/23/2022
Nancy S. Simmons ’60, 12/18/2016
Millie Smoot ’60
Dorothy Stith ’60, 10/29/2007
Robert H. Sumrall ’60, 7/21/2019
Mary Jo Wallace ’60
Frank H. Armfield ’61, 4/5/2002
Eunice Baker ’61, 4/20/2003
Barbara Baughman ’61
William L. Blair ’61
Martha Bowen ’61, 1/24/2021
Lillie Bullard ’61
Frances Pasley Buttolph ’61, 3/30/2014
Mary E. Cooper ’61
Murphy R. Couch ’61, 10/28/2017
Anne L. Crowder ’61
Franklin W. Dobbs ’61, 2/10/2015
Jerry W. Edwards ’61
Hugh W. Fraser ’61
Lawrence Goodwin ’61
Philip L. Howell ’61
Sam G. Hudgins ’61, 6/30/2014
Edloe P. Jones ’61, 5/13/2021
James A. King ’61, 4/25/2014
Theodosia Landis ’61, 12/1/2019
Joseph R. Langford ’61
Helen Larsen ’61
Belle T. Lynch ’61, 5/13/2021
Augusta R. Mann ’61
James W. Mann ’61, 8/11/2009
Willie M. Mayfield ’61
Elizabeth Mealing ’61
Ellen J. Mills ’61, 2/10/2017
L. Silas Moore, Jr. ’61, 8/25/23
Dana L. Mote ’61, 6/25/2012
Elizabeth Newsome ’61
James A. Paredes ’61, 8/24/2013
Harry James “Jim” Peagler, III ’61, 2/3/25
Nina J. Penfield ’61
William E. Presnall ’61
Bennie Ragsdale ’61
Mildred C. Rogers ’61, 7/8/2007
Marjorie G. Smith ’61
Joseph A. Soldati ’61, 12/31/2019
John Staley ’61
Ainslee J. Stull ’61, 4/23/2007
Dallis Tebeau ’61
Omer C. Tolson ’61
Olivia Toubman ’61, 5/28/2020
Gladys B. Wallace ’61
Patricia D. Weathers ’61, 4/13/2018
Marc S. Weinberg ’61
Louise T. Williamson ’61
Robert A. Wynn ’61, 3/28/2017
Charles A. Alford ’62, 12/18/24
Joseph N. Anderson ’62, 4/11/2017
Olivia Bagwell ’62
Virginia C. Bartels ’62, 9/21/2021
John W. Bookhultz ’62, 7/27/2022
James R. Borom ’62, 11/13/2014
William M. Bradley ’62
Carolyn Brenner ’62
Madeline Brownlee ’62
Charlotte E. Camors ’62
Marguerette Chambers ’62
Jean A. Clough ’62, 5/26/2014
Elizabeth Collum ’62
Martha N. Cook ’62
Donald E. Crisler ’62, 1/22/2010
Mildred K. Effrain ’62, 1/19/2015
John C. Findley ’62
Rebecca A. Floyd ’62, 1/31/2014
James “J.D.” Fowler ’62, 1/6/25
Joseph S. Gable ’62, 3/1/2009
Robert D. Gay ’62, 2/29/2020
Glenn A. Gibson ’62
Howard Goodwin ’62, 5/15/2014
John R. Guthrie ’62
Thomas W. Hewlett ’62, 11/14/2019
John C. Jay ’62
Mildred R. Karg ’62
Rose B. Kent ’62
William T. Lawler ’62, 8/4/2012
Eleanor A. Lipham ’62, 7/7/2017
Robert P. Mallis ’62, 10/31/2016
Thomas W. McCormack ’62, 12/15/2020
Myrtle V. McCullar ’62
William P. McDonough ’62
James J. Millard ’62
Robert J. Mohan ’62, 5/13/2017
Hilda Morris ‘62, 8/21/2017
Douglas R. Mote ’62, 11/29/2016
Orvan L. Oxenrider ’62
Eugenia T. Palmer ’62, 3/5/2007
Carolyn B. Pettus ’62, 12/10/2022
Myra T. Petty ’62, 12/6/2022
Lois Phillips ’62, 1/1/2010
Haydee Ponder ’62
Doris Loughridge Potts ’62, 12/29/2022
Robert E. Powell ’62, 4/26/2018
Alfred R. Richardson ’62
Anita M. Rook ’62, 11/15/2008
William J. Rowland ’62
Roberta Salvo ’62, 11/19/2007
Hernando F. Pantigoso ’62, 8/3/2024
Robert R. Shumake ’62, 5/23/2012
Thomas L. Smith ’62
Thelma Strickland ’62
Barbara Walker ’62, 10/14/2012
John C. Warren ’62
Ethel H. Webb ’62, 5/10/2012
Ocie M. Wood ’62
Myrtice Wright ’62
Beverly Alexander ’63, 7/6/2008
David L. Allen ’63
Michael Allison ’63
Albert N. Baer ’63, 8/21/2021
Ambrose A. Bandow ’63
Barry A. Bishop ’63
Donald K. Boggs ’63, 12/10/2007
Frances Bradley ’63, 7/12/2005
Elizabeth E. Butterfoss ’63
Carol S. Clines ’63
Donald M. Correll ’63
Kay Crawford ’63, 2/1/2019
Joseph A. Crea ’63, 12/19/2020
Lee B. Daniel ’63, 3/3/2019
Juliana P. Dorsey ’63
H. L. Drury ’63, 12/28/2004
Everette Eisenberg ’63
Patricia A. Feldman ’63, 8/21/2019
Edna M. Flood ’63
Mary Helen Ford ’63, 8/8/2016
Matthew L. Gardner ’63, 12/8/2019
Susan E. Goodrich ’63
John A. Griggs ’63
James D. Guler ’63, 8/28/2013
Barbara A. Gupton ’63, 2/1/2019
J. C. Gupton ’63, 10/20/2014
Ronald B. Gurin ’63, 12/17/2019
Belinda Haddock ’63, 1/26/2019
Mary A. Hammaker ’63, 8/16/2007
Norman C. Hughes ’63, 2/15/1985
Layman E. Kelley ’63
Alvin J. Leaphart ’63, 1/22/2018
Mary C. Lowery ’63
Stuart L. Lynn ’63, 8/31/2006
Stephen M. Mitchell ’63, 12/17/2006
George E. Morris ’63, 8/11/2018
Walter E. Music ’63, 5/15/2019
Eleanor Newland ’63, 9/7/2016
Yasuko Nishimura ’63, 7/17/2003
Jack C. Pascal ’63, 9/9/2017
Jackie W. Powell ’63, 2/23/2014
Lynn B. Randolph ’63
Eric M. Scharff ’63, 2/3/2024
James H. Schmidt ’63
Emily J. Starkey ’63
LeAnn P. Strom ’63, 8/24/2020
Robert A. Strom ’63, 10/7/2007
Jack E. Tebeau ’63
Wilmer J. Turpin ’63, 3/13/2018
Bette M. Wall ’63, 10/27/2012
Thomas D. Warters ’63, 7/28/2018
Helen Abbott ’64
Patricia A. Arnold ’64, 1/19/2013
Leslie S. Benator ’64, 7/4/2020
Carol A. Blair ’64, 2/17/1992
Forrest S. Braswell ’64, 6/3/1997
Ruth Brooks ’64, 9/24/1999
Susan W. Brown ’64, 12/27/2013
Dorothy Burel ’64, 4/28/1998
Donna S. Calvert ’64, 12/31/2002
Lydia Diane Haslett Carpenter ’64, 9/10/2023
Mary E. Carroll ’64, 8/4/1990
William P. Cash ’64, 11/17/2013
Frank R. Conway ’64
Daniel L. Cowart ’64, 2/18/2011
William C. Cox ’64
Gloria F. Daniel ’64, 8/25/2012
Lawrence P. Davis ’64, 12/15/1996
Diane L. Davis ’64, 7/21/1996
Edward A. Degross ’64, 10/15/1999
James L. DeLay ’64, 10/27/2019
Fatma Egerton ’64, 2/9/2015
Richard E. Eidson ’64, 4/25/2000
Sandra Ellenburg-Dorsey ’64, 9/26/2023
Beatrice Favre ’64, 11/25/2019
Jo P. Folds ’64, 11/30/2016
Frank L. Fort ‘64
William H. Godwin ’64, 3/26/2000
James H. Hall ’64
Larry R. Harbin ’64, 7/22/2005
William B. Harrison ’64, 10/28/2018
Gary R. Haug ’64, 3/4/2008
Caroline P. Hodges ’64
Vera M. Hollifield ’64, 11/16/2005
Jesse R. Huffman ’64
Larry D. Hunter ’64, 4/7/2016
Samuel Dennis Kerr ’64, 1/21/2024
Aline Layfield ’64
Vivian C. Lee ’64, 6/1/2012
Oreon E. Mann ’64, 8/4/2018
Bessie McClure ’64, 3/22/1992
Bradford J. McFadden ‘64
Joan M. Millar ’64, 4/9/2023
George B. Osborne ’64
Elaine Parker ’64, 9/18/2005
Nelda F. Parrish ’64, 3/30/2016
Joan L. Percival ’64, 7/2/2010
George B. Percival ’64, 1/12/1997
Claudine Phillips ’64
Charlotte A. Rackley ’64, 10/23/2019
Patsy S. Rehm ’64, 12/30/2022
William G. Reid ’64
Judy Rheney ’64
Cynthia M. Robinson ’64, 2/26/2022
Robert T. Sexton ’64, 3/14/2019
William C. Smith ’64, 4/8/1998
William F. Stuart ’64
Orlan R. Swennes ’64, 2/11/2002
David F. Taylor ’64, 4/1/1967
Lucile M. Tennant ’64, 3/21/1981
Carroll D. Willis ’64, 9/12/1994
Constance D. Wilson ’64, 7/22/2004
William E. Wyatt ’64, 12/23/1993
William H. Alexander ’65, 12/30/2020
Joyce T. Bacon ’65, 4/11/2006
Lanier C. Bagwell ’65, 5/12/2023
Carol Balluh ’65, 4/29/2013
Dale C. Benoy ’65
Mary A. Bramblett ’65, 5/17/2007
James H. Brown ’65
Olena E. Cain ’65, 7/9/2022
James E. Carroll ’65, 4/6/2020
Cherry H. Casey ’65, 8/29/2018
Patricia C. Cohn ’65
Gene L. Collins ’65
James O. Connelly ’65, 6/9/2023
Mary K. Cowart ’65
Tom Dallinger ’65, 2/22/2006
David S. Davies ’65, 9/14/2009
Verline F. Dennis ’65, 2/18/2020
Otis N. Faircloth ’65, 12/21/2019
Edward M. Garrett ’65
Sally J. Hammer ’65
James P. Henson ’65
Ila Holcomb ’65
Bob L. Husbands ’65, 6/16/24
Cornelia D. Jolly ’65
Margaret L. Jones ’65
Betty Klaudt ’65, 9/25/2023
Vernon R. Klaudt ’65, 9/9/2006
William M. Linstrom ’65, 1/24/2008
Franklin E. Mahaffey ’65, 2/13/2019
Eva F. Massey ’65
Michael L. McQueen ’65, 2/18/2011
Robert F. Moreland ’65
Dorothy S. Morris ’65, 6/16/2016
Gary E. Mullins ’65, 11/29/2009
Jimmy Ann Langdon Porter ’65, 8/26/24
Jon L. Preu ’65, 2/17/2022
Iva S. Resin ’65, 2/11/2014
James P. Rippy ’65, 8/28/2016
Glen C. Rose ’65, 4/7/2024
Penelope M. Rose ’65, 10/15/2022
Linda Roy ’65, 5/14/2020
Pearl M. Sentell ’65
Pauline E. Sergent ’65, 8/8/2011
Mildred L. Seymann ’65
Jane Lee Connor Sexton ’65, 10/16/2023
Harvey J. Shaffer ’65
Gloria Sikes ’65
Dennis D. Simpson ’65
Elizabeth R. Stevenson ’65
William J. Stewart ’65
Wilma W. Thomas ’65
Esmeralda Wells ’65
Michael D. Adams ’66
Bobbye G. Anthony ’66, 3/1/2012
Beryl F. Arroyo ’66, 11/19/2007
Jill R. Ball ’66
Ethel T. Batchelor ’66, 1/20/2008
James F. Beeson ’66
Joe C. Bentley ’66
Inez M. Burns ’66
Cheryl L. Butterfield ’66
William R. Cason ’66, 3/15/2017
William A. Caven ’66, 7/21/2004
Lois L. Chastain ’66, 1/6/2008
Stephen G. Cole ’66
Gerald P. Dunlap ’66
Carolyn A. Godwin ’66
George W. Greer ’66, 4/9/2007
Alice J. Griffin ’66
John Henigbaum ’66, 3/23/2015
Cora B. Holcombe ’66
George S. Hutcheson ’66, 10/27/2005
Lloyd W. Johnson ’66, 9/9/2016
Gwyndolyn Jones ’66, 3/19/2022
Mary C. Knott ’66
Lynn M. Lewis ’66
Robert L. Manley ’66, 8/11/2024
Alice C. Mason ’66
Haynes C. McFadden ’66, 6/10/2012
Marc M. Meines ’66
Lois Y. Miller ’66, 3/24/2022
Kennedy S. Neal ’66, 12/1/2014
Simone E. Nicholson ’66, 1/21/2012
Casper J. Noto ’66
Verner A. Owens ’66
Mary L. Phillips ’66
Stewart B. Protzman ’66
Dianne O. Sanders ’66
Avis Sanders ’66
Steve G. Sealy ’66
Diane L. Shepard ’66
John R. Singletary ’66, 2/20/2017
Sally Thorsby ’66
Edward S. Weeks ’66
Harriet C. Wilbanks ’66, 8/3/2015
Jon E. Wordell ’66, 2/13/2019
Joyce Wyckoff ’66, 3/9/2016
Jon A. Axelberg ’67, 8/10/2015
John P. Ball ’67
Lucy Barnett ’67
John L. Bates ’67
Robert S. Campbell ’67, 4/22/2008
Paul A. Chelko ’67, 6/2/2007
James E. Copeland ’67, 1/8/2018
Edgar O. Daffin ’67, 4/26/2021
Martha C. Deadwyler ’67
Charles R. Farrell ’67
James P. Goodwin ’67
Martha Grant ’67
William T. Griffin ’67, 12/10/2013
John P. Hammond ’67, 1/22/2018
Alice Jane Hill Hughes ’67, 12/15/24
George M. Key ’67, 1/11/2008
David A. Keys ’67, 10/20/2017
Elizabeth S. Lamb ’67
Robert F. Lindley ’67
Hansell B. Malone ’67
Barbara Mantler ’67, 7/18/2013
Margaret “Teen” Varn Plowden Marshall ’67, 11/16/24
Ana G. Mederos ’67
William B. Mitchell ’67
George F. Morris ’67, 10/5/2007
Michael J. Peace ’67
Priscilla Miller Pierson ’67, 5/28/2023
Frederika Preacher ’67, 11/17/2006
Nellie R. Seay ’67
Mattie Shope ’67
Wayne G. Stephens ’67, 3/27/2015
Chester J. Tumlin ’67
Haywood E. Waters ’67
Frances E. West ’67, 3/15/2007
May R. Whittington ’67, 7/13/2006
Robert L. Adams ’68
George D. Alexander ’68, 4/6/2020
Earl J. Allen ’68, 5/12/2023
Edith H. Anderson ’68, 1/15/2016
William G. Arey ’68
Virginia T. Avery ’68, 2/18/2006
Lee S. Ayers ’68, 11/3/2010
Judith J. Ball ’68
Richard L. Baron ’68, 12/29/2011
Leonard G. Bates ’68, 1/1/2009
James B. Beidleman ’68
James V. Blatt ’68
Ronald S. Bowen ’68
Harold L. Carter ’68, 7/24/2012
Curtis C. Cook ’68, 8/30/2006
Gerald F. Craig ’68
Richard E. Davis ’68, 4/17/2011
Harry E. Echols ’68, 10/28/2007
Bob F. Hughes ’68, 7/6/2024
Thomas L. Forrest ’68, 10/22/2006
Barbara A. Gallogly ’68
Delwyn L. Gillespie ’68
Susan E. Goslin ’68, 8/29/2019
Rose E. Goswick ’68, 5/3/2014
Gayle B. Gower ’68, 7/4/2015
Cordelia N. Harris ’68
Sandra L. Hedge ’68, 7/2/2019
Katherine Henderson ’68, 12/24/2010
Andrew I. Holland ’68
Ward P. Horton ’68, 11/18/2017
Robert E. Johnson ’68
Glenda J. Jones ’68
Jane F. Kelley ’68, 10/8/2009
Helen L. Kessler ’68, 9/21/2017
Mary Emma Lodge ’68, 8/23/2022
Newton R. Lunsford ’68, 10/12/2010
Martin L. Marcus ’68, 12/22/2002
Ethleen H. Martin ’68
Rose M. McClaran ’68
Jimmy H. Milford ’68, 10/20/2018
Charles C. Miller ’68
Wavil G. Moody ’68
Robert J. Nash ’68
Annie F. Riskus ’68
Bonnie G. Roberts ’68, 6/24/2017
Geneva L. Rowe ’68, 3/14/2019
Richard S. Schanen ’68
Grace T. Scott-Lacy ’68, 3/1/2011
Kathryn D. Starcher ’68, 3/14/2012
Jane Reynolds Sterne ’68, 6/2/2024
Mary A. Sudderth ’68
Martha F. Weaver ’68
Ronald D. Wehunt ’68, 10/30/2007
Harold K. Wilson ’68
Geraldine K. Abbott ’69, 12/26/2016
Charles E. Alling ’69
Sandra C. Ange ’69
Lawrence J. Baltes ’69
Alice Barnard ’69
Charles W. Bishop ’69, 4/27/2017
Manora Brown ’69
Michael S. Bryant ’69, 4/15/2016
Giula R. Charles ’69
Charles D. Chetwynd ’69, 10/26/2018
Gordon A. Clark ’69, 10/12/2018
Cynthia A. Dahl ’69
Ronald L. Davenport ’69, 8/28/2011
Joseph S. Dowd ’69
Ruby Duke ’69
James E. Fitts ’69, 4/5/2021
Joseph F. Fitzhugh ’69
James C. Grizzard ’69
Barry Halliday ’69, 11/29/2012
Terrence C. Haney ’69, 12/5/2012
Patricia A. Hartridge ’69
Jimmy R. Hoggarth ’69, 8/13/2014
Frank Jones ’69
Warren B. Jordan ’69, 2/3/2020
Bobby E. Kerlin ’69, 8/31/2011
William L. Kite ’69, 9/14/2017
James C. Lane ’69
William H. Lipscomb ’69
Jan C. Maher ’69, 8/1/2011
Virginia Anderson Marlowe ’69, 10/12/2023
Ora E. Matlock ’69, 2/21/2014
Jac H. McTighe ’69
Jon D. Milford ’69
Jack A. Miller ’69, 11/12/2013
Jeffrey L. Mitchell ’69
Bonnie H. Morrison ’69, 3/3/2013
Betty D. Nix ’69
Edward J. Olmstead ’69
Michael R. Pollica ’69, 2/4/2018
Orrin T. Potter ’69, 9/25/2008
Roy V. Rafinski ’69
Elaine N. Reilly ’69, 04/04/1994
Paul E. Schlam ’69
Joe B. Shapard ’69
Aileen S. Sikes ’69, 5/7/2011
Joseph E. Tarpley ’69
Damon Wells ’69
Walker L. Whaley ’69, 5/31/2012
Barry M. Wiesner ’69, 11/20/2011
Nathan Zahn ’69, 9/13/2017
Elaine Reilly ‘69
Terrel E. Alexander ’70
Tony W. Anderson ’70
George L. Barr ’70, 2/22/2008
Robert L. Bingham ’70, 4/26/2011
Gilbert M. Brown ’70
Julia Henson Cate ’70, 7/28/2024
Thomas H. Collins ’70
Teddy L. Collins ’70, 3/20/2014
Ernest A. Crain ’70, 2/23/2023
George L. Culpepper ’70, 6/19/2019
Carol V. Daniel ’70, 5/25/2021
Stewart Davner ’70, 11/23/2018
Richard O. Day ’70
Russell M. Dobyns ’70, 8/17/2007
David G. Doernberg ’70, 8/19/2024
Gene H. Eason ’70
Laurence S. Frankel ’70, 10/25/2013
Amelia A. Franks ’70, 9/1/1994
Jerry M. Glaser ’70
Robert L. Goldberg ’70, 4/17/2007
Adolph Goldenburg ’70
Gladys H. Hayes ’70
Angela C. Hestley ’70, 11/27/23
Robin Whyte Hoffman ’70, 8/4/2020
John W. Jones ’70
Judith E. Jones ’70
Ross M. Kapstein ’70, 8/27/2021
Mary I. Leak ’70, 10/20/2009
Patricia A. Lutz ’70, 12/1/2009
Alan J. Mazer ’70
David M. McBee ’70, 1/04/25
Stanley C. McDonald ’70, 3/2/2017
Ronald L. McSwiggan ’70
Joel R. Oppenheim ’70, 5/14/2021
Richard H. Osborne ’70
Miner L. Paddock ’70, 8/10/2017
Oliver L. Pedigo ’70
Art Pelenberg ’70
Terry R. Pulver ’70
James B. Ramage ’70, 2/7/2007
Darrell T. Rhoades ’70, 11/8/2013
Douglas E. Roberts ’70, 5/25/2012
Pamela J. Roebuck ’70, 12/24/2016
Miriam Greszes Saul ’70, 1/27/25
Fred T. Savage ’70, 9/23/2021
Robert S. Sibert ’70
Richard S. Simons ’70, 6/20/2013
Rodger G. Tatum ’70, 5/1/2019
Robert W. Taylor ’70, 1/6/2007
Selby A. Tuggle ’70, 7/7/2015
James J. Walsh ’70
Richard T. Ward ’70
Ralphton E. Warlick ’70, 12/16/2010
Eugene R. Wood ’70, 1/12/2011
Beverly A. Wood ’70, 12/7/2022
Judith K. York ’70, 12/22/2019
Robert M. Allen ’71, 3/6/2016
William E. Barnette ’71, 9/1/2011
Nan A. Bates ’71, 7/11/2019
William J. Boritz ’71, 5/17/2010
Joseph F. Castorina ’71
Darrell K. Craddock ’71
Mark Samson ’71, 12/12/24
Bruce F. Edmund ’71, 1/18/2023
R. Evans ’71
Charles A. Farr ’71
Rhua Bobby Flock ’71, 7/19/2008
Helen K. Gibson ’71, 1/30/2002
Richard K. Hall ’71
Irene A. Harrod ’71, 6/3/2011
Mary-Phyllis Harvey ’71, 1/29/2017
Everett O. Higginbotham ’71
John R. Hirschman ’71
William B. Hotalen ’71, 2/14/2019
David P. Hurst ’71, 8/1/2015
Lou Ella B. Jenkins ’71, 12/31/2019
Yvonne S. Jones ’71, 2/1/2019
Claire M. Jones ’71
Robert A. Kuzner ’71
Anthony J. Lakis ’71
William R. Leonard ’71
Stanley C. Logan ’71, 8/1/1992
Jack A. Lube ’71, 6/2/2005
Edward J. McGuire ’71, 7/18/2019
Philip “Cottie” Morse, III ’71, 3/20/2025
Marguerite “Mag” Bailey Mulligan ’71, 12/1/2023
Bruce A. Murray ’71
Claude Overton Jr. ’71, 12/9/2024
Glenn W. Paschal ’71
Charles E. Pickett ’71, 5/6/2023
Edward A. Rathbun ’71, 2/24/2013
Mark A. Rowland ’71, 1/9/2014
Diane R. Rowles ’71, 4/19/2012
Carolyn E. Rumage ’71, 10/13/2017
Mark Samson ’71, 12/12/24
Jacquelyn J. Self ’71, 9/8/2020
Doris C. Simmons ’71, 2/14/2019
Constance M. Skoor ’71, 12/3/2000
Charles P. Sullivan ’71, 2/4/2014
Paul A. Thompson ’71
William L. Tompkins ’71, 3/1/2019
Terry L. Waites ’71, 8/18/2021
Claire W. Wallace ’71, 12/16/2014
Drew A. Weinroth ’71
Calvin K. Whitner ’71
Henry Williams ’71, 6/30/1995
Donald R. Wilson ’71, 2/8/2022
Leonard W. Young ’71
John Y. Abbott ’72, 1/28/2015
Sylvia F. Arnold ’72, 10/1/2021
Stephen J. Axelberg ’72, 11/10/2023
Robert B. Bowen ’72, 5/23/2006
Stephen H. Bruce ’72
Michael D. Cardillo ’72
Martin Carter ’72
Robert H. Conley ’72, 10/19/2007
William G. Craigg ’72, 4/3/2008
William R. Dumas ’72, 6/18/2016
Catherine E. Eaton ’72, 1/10/2007
Rolfe H. Engert ’72
Gary M. Fleischman ’72, 3/15/2013
Marcy Ford ’72, 6/25/2021
Judith B. Glassman ’72, 9/19/2013
Michael “David” Gordon ’72, 1/22/25
Sue S. Grantham ’72
James W. Haskell ’72, 12/20/2022
Andrea Hallahan ’72
Woody Hoblitzell ’72, 1/6/2019
Gary G. Jones ’72, 3/29/2013
Midge M. Jorns ’72, 3/28/2008
Eric R. Kantor ’72, 7/5/2023
Curtis H. Kelly ’72, 9/24/2011
Richard B. Killam ’72, 3/13/2014
Paula J. Knowles ’72
Kenneth J. Lederman ’72
Curtis J. Lemoine ’72
Robert C. Lyons ’72
Mays C. McElhannon ’72
David Melancon ’72
Richard H. Mertz ’72, 10/29/2013
Barbara J. Obitz ’72
Samuel G. Obsharsky ’72
Walter L. Palmer ’72
Nicholas I. Pennington ’72, 4/23/2009
Bonnie H. Pike ’72, 11/20/2015
Edward J. Seaver ’72
Joel I. Sinkoe ’72, 2/14/2022
George W. Snyder ’72
Leroy Thacker ’72, 11/7/2011
Charlotte J. Walker ’72
Jack R. Watson ’72, 1/10/2006
Stephen R. Welsh ’72
Osgood A. Williams ’72, 2/14/2015
Robert W. Adams ’73, 3/26/1996
William J. Anthony ’73, 10/8/2010
Daniel P. Collins ’73
Hallie M. Collins-Berg ’73
George T. Combs ’73
Annette G. Coombs ’73
Charles E. Cosby ’73
Martin F. Cziraky ’73, 11/5/2022
Jacqueline E. Fowler ’73, 8/8/2022
Lela A. Gilbert ’73
Marvin R. Glasky ’73
Naomi A. Harman ’73, 6/26/2021
Jane Henry ’73, 11/19/2019
Andrew F. Herwig ’73
Betty Jones ’73, 3/22/2016
Barbara Kellett ’73
Allen M. Klaus ’73, 8/14/2021
Roger J. Kuneyl ’73, 6/21/2018
Robert J. Loeb ’73, 8/11/2013
Thomas J. Makaila ’73
Janet L. Miller ’73
Richard Noshay ’73
Paula D. Orton ’73, 8/31/2020
Susan A. Pechfelder ’73
Marc D. Scavron ’73, 10/30/1999
Grover C. Sheppard ’73, 6/20/2013
Andrew S. Webb ’73
Mariellen Withers ’73
Barbara K. Balcer ’74, 5/26/2019
Jesse R. Beck ’74, 2/7/2022
Howard A. Becker ’74
Bennie Harris Black ’74, 4/26/24
Vincent R. Cardinale ’74, 12/25/09
Robert N. Dennard ’74
Kelly L. Elliott ’74, 2/15/2006
Philip L. Elliott ’74, 1/25/2007
Bernard Feifer ’74, 12/28/2001
Philip Feld ’74
Edward M. Fowler ’74
Connie B. Fried ’74, 9/9/2015
Alfredo G. Garcia ’74
James H. Hall ’74
Russell W. Harrell ’74, 5/24/2018
Lane M. Holland ’74, 1/3/2014
Michael W. Irish ’74
Frances L. Jaeger ’74
Martha A. Jenks ’74, 3/28/2013
Henry H. Kehs ’74
Martin T. Kitchen ’74, 6/14/2010
Clifford Miller ’74, 9/7/2015
Louis T. Morse ’74, 5/12/2016
Martha Dickert Nelson ’74, 12/5/2024
Charles W. Parks ’74, 1/14/2016
Charles Rizzo ’74, 9/14/2019
Bruce A. Sacks ’74
Pegie B. Sosebee ’74
Donald C. Sterling ’74
John P. Trevaskis ’74
Doris B. Underwood ’74, 10/14/2006
William A. Witt ’74, 1/1/2012
Sandra W. Allen ’75, 5/3/2020
Brian E. Anderson ’75
Genis Benzion ’75
Richard J. Blum ’75
Pamela L. Cannon ’75
Wynell S. Christy ’75
Dillard Cook ’75, 8/31/2021
Joseph G. Dickey ’75
Emmy Lou Faber ’75, 1/12/2021
Paul M. Fleming ’75, 1/3/2005
Robert M. Gaut ’75, 4/2/2006
Robert A. Glisson ’75
Kathleen A. Gocek ’75, 3/29/2008
Brian D. Gordon ’75, 5/20/2016
Mary E. Graydon ’75, 3/26/2000
Marilyn Burns Hansel ’75, 3/4/2018
Larry D. Harkins ’75
Abby E. Hesdorffer ’75
Jeffrey L. Horn ’75
Alvin E. Jordan ’75
David G. Kahn ’75, 5/17/2010
Janis L. Kaplan ’75
James Katz ’75
Della M. Love ’75, 1/27/2016
Kay P. Martin ’75
Nancy R. McCloskey ’75
Caroline C. Minor ’75, 7/4/2010
Robert K. Montague ’75, 2/16/2014
Darlene L. Moulder ’75, 7/26/2006
Daniel T. Munch ’75, 6/26/2010
Shirley M. Pugh ’75
Thelma M. Randall ’75
Maggie Powell Rushton ’75, 4/27/2020
Geneva C. Shepherd ’75
Elizabeth F. Strange ’75
Dorothy F. Thornberry ’75
Martha H. Turner ’75, 3/29/2018
Donald H. White ’75
Timothy J. Whitver ’75
Richard P. Williams ’75, 2/1/2017
Alice H. Zimmerman ’75, 12/21/2011
Theodore E. Addy ’76, 9/10/2018
Gerald V. Bailey ’76, 4/2/2019
Dorothy E. Bilancio ’76, 5/29/1989
Alice B. Carr ’76, 5/14/2014
Jacqueline D. Cook ’76
Kenneth E. Cox ’76
Toni M. Doss ’76, 7/27/2011
Anthony F. Drick ’76, 4/29/2013
Frances I. Eeraerts ’76, 1997
Ronnie A. Few ’76
Kenneth D. Ficalore ’76
Cynthia Fuentes ’76
Anne P. Galbraith ’76, 10/13/2008
Richard A. Greene ’76
Gordon G. Greenhut ’76, 8/1/2017
Elbert C. Haney ’76
Robert E. Hartman, Jr. ’76, 5/1/2024
Thomas V. Hopper ’76
Beverly S. Kapp ’76, 4/22/2019
Kenneth I. Krasne ’76, 8/9/2015
Charles F. Kucher ’76, 10/23/2019
Dennis H. Mensch ’76
Dwyer D. Metcalf ’76
Jeffrey A. Morton ’76
Stephen C. Nash ’76
Margery Roberts ’76, 10/25/2016
Ann M. Sikes ’76, 3/1/2010
Ann L. Brown ’77, 7/14/2018
Wayne T. Carter ’77, 7/13/2011
Stephen M. Gold ’77
Max E. Grogan ’77, 6/9/2017
George K. Higgins ’77, 5/13/2006
Gail Flanter Lynn ’77, 4/2024
Helen R. McGarity ’77
John M. Mehler ’77, 12/18/2017
Ruth M. Morgan ’77, 1/22/2011
Christopher Prothro ’77
Lori S. Pullan ’77, 6/11/2011
Delmas S. Reddy ’77, 7/8/2008
Bengi Sadoshima ’77
Sheryl Moreland Slate ’77, 6/19/2024
Susie E. Spear ’77, 3/22/2013
William R. Stephens ’77
Ellen Joy Spiro ’77, 10/24/2024
Mary P. Burke ’78
Daniel L. Grandy ’78, 12/17/2007
William A. Kennon ’78
Nancy W. Kirksey ’78
Frances L. Mayson ’78
Janis Jacobs Mendelson ’78, 2/20/25
Robert W. Moore ’78, 4/26/2019
Dorothy C. Snead ’78, 6/20/2014
Sandra Snipes ’78
Colonel Hutch C. Hutchings ’78, 10/2/24
Samuel H. Wolff ’78, 7/12/2011
Virginia Ackerman-Smith ’79, 7/30/2010
James M. Cook ’79, 2/6/2016
Michael A. Corvasce ’79, 6/4/1980
C J. Graham ’79
Jerry B. Jacobs ’79, 3/16/2015
Wesley N. McFarland ’79, 8/18/2004
Nancy E. Patton ’79
Peter K. Pollack ’79
Walter J. Scott ’79
Susan S. Staller ’79, 11/9/2021
Carolyn J. Sullivan ’79
Carolyn Constangy Wasser ’79, 3/15/2021
Marcia Agrin ’80
Richard M. Barker ’80, 11/9/2015
Lydia J. Barrieau ’80, 8/6/2014
Veronica D. Beck ’80, 10/1/2012
Alice Hewell Brooks ’80, 12/30/2021
Thomas R. Collentine ’80, 9/4/2011
Thomas M. Dawkins ’80
Albert S. Eberhart ’80
James R. Fowler ’80
Ricky A. Hunt ’80, 3/15/2008
Daniel J. Karkotsky Sr. ’80, 12/2/2024
Clair S. Kirkpatrick ’80
John S. Odess ’80
William C. Rawson ’80
Wilma K. Rowe ’80, 9/9/16
Jane J. Trost ’80, 10/26/2018
Lawrence M. Andrews ’81, 11/4/2020
Monte K. Birnbach ’81
Earl C. Brown ’81
Mildred P. Cherry ’81, 4/14/2011
Harriett Kowalski Cook ’81, 8/10/2024
Steve B. Elliott ’81
Wilda Y. Glover ’81, 4/28/2009
Vanessa D. Griffin ’81, 12/2/2005
Sharonne L. Jacobs ’81
Douglas M. Kissell ’81
Rosemarie M. Linpinsel ’81
Margaret E. Minor ’81, 9/2/2010
Danette R. Smith ’81
Mary Lee Williams ’81, 3/3/2020
Janet P. Betts ’82, 10/25/2010
Andrew Thomas Bieger ’82, 8/14/24
Linda C. Carson ’82
Mark E. Coles ’82
Eric S. Crunick ’82, 8/15/2020
Peter J. Dolce ’82, 8/18/2018
John J. Dowd ’82, 9/20/2017
Mary W. Evans ’82, 12/14/2017
Susan B. Feldman ’82, 2/4/2013
Cynthia J. Johnson ’82, 6/26/2006
Richard E. Lindsay ’82
Ellen B. Lukens ’82, 6/13/2015
Rebecca K. McAmis ’82, 9/4/2023
Erika McClung ’82
Amy M. O’Neal ’82
Lawrence J. Pond ’82
Mary E. Richards ’82
Marc E. Rogers ’82, 3/14/2013
Donna L. Sassone ’82
Debra K. Schreiber ’82, 6/26/2024
Julia S. Skrynecki ’82, 1/25/2013
Larry E. Stone ’82, 9/10/2006
Joan M. Tiernan ’82
Alan Tillery ’82
Karen A. Archer ’83, 11/22/2006
Gail H. Arndt ’83, 6/30/2010
Susan C. Brown ’83, 6/10/2022
Pamela Crisler ’83
Melanie L. Dorr ’83, 12/29/2022
Laura R. Garrett ’83
Arlis D. Head ’83, 1/6/2010
William K. Kincheloe ’83, 2/15/2016
Jill Y. Miller ’83
Glenda P. Murphy ’83, 2019
Lynne P. Pope ’83
Evelyn S. Reid ’83
Mia C. Wadopian ’83, 2/20/2018
Patricia L. Waite ’83
Jane E. Watkins ’83, 4/9/2002
James F. Wilhelmy ’83, 1/8/2011
Vicki F. Bachman ’84, 1/8/2014
Sue Carolyn Bryant ’84, 6/18/22
John C. Crowe ’84
Arturo J. Del Villar ’84
Scott A. Johnson ’84, 12/11/2010
Robert A. MacMillan ’84, 2/17/2006
William C. McClure ’84
Joseph K. Pettigrew ’84
Sandra Whitlock Piper ’84, 3/28/2024
Mary L. Primel ’84, 7/27/2017
Ann H. Rand ’84, 7/31/2020
Elizabeth A. Rulison ’84, 4/11/2016
Charles D. Swaney ’84, 9/26/2017
Garland G. Umberger ’84, 2/17/2008
Gerald J. York ’84
Brian W. Weaver ’84, 3/7/2025
Timothy J. Bates ’85, 6/10/2018
Vanessa L. Chandler ’85
Sherry Davis Fagerness ’85, 9/27/24
Sharon Fagin ’85, 8/20/2017
Henry J. Hartje ’85, 2017
Martha A. Hinderleider ’85
Annie H. Kenney ’85
Rhett H. Laurens ’85, 2/2/2016
Benjamin James Mays ’85, 11/17/24
Jonathan D. Spanier ’85, 8/5/2010
Alison K. Turner ’85, 5/1/2011
Patricia S. Bennett ’86
Joseph J. Defranks ’86
John P. Jarrard ’86, 1987
Alinda L. Kadel ’86, 3/13/2007
Stacey I. Levin ’86
John P. Salamone ’86, 9/11/2001
Donahue S. Silvis ’86, 4/12/2017
Sally L. Soderberg ’86, 12/6/2019
Anna Baugh Valerius ’86, 4/13/2024
Kevin T. Bradley ’87
Pamela K. Cannon ’87
Katrina A. Fordyce ’87, 1/31/2015
Kathleen Kopp ’87, 10/2/2016
Deborah W. Lander ’87, 6/28/2011
Thomas E. McCollough ’87
Emmanuel A. Platanis ’87, 2/3/2013
Richard L. Weeks ’87, 7/10/2021
Katherine P. Harris ’88, 11/24/2005
Christopher S. Steppe ’88
Benjamin L. Bagwell ’89, 12/26/2022
Phyllis F. Freer ’89, 12/27/2011
Michael P. Hulshof-Schmidt ’89, 1/30/2021
Janine K. Kowak ’89, 7/30/2016
Jane G. Peters ’89, 2/15/2012
Reed W. Seligman ’89, 1/6/2017
Carole A. Skeen ’89
Barbara L. Story ’89
Virginia Ann Wright ’89, 7/4/2023
Phillip A. Zaffuto ’89, 11/25/2020
Leeanne A. Clark ’90, 8/21/2012
Dayle S. Fowler ’90, 11/2/2023
Ann Hager ’90
Virginia C. Hayden ’90, 5/27/2018
Diane L. James ’90, 8/26/2017
Mary J. Kohler ’90, 11/20/2002
Christopher D. Petty ’90, 5/19/2012
Scott A. Smith ’90
Donald J. Butler ’91
Anna K. Grods ’91, 11/7/2006
Kelley M. Grogan ’91
Kenneth R. Lucas ’91, 7/5/2009
Naomi T. Walker ’91, 12/19/2015
Bonnie E. Cohen ’92
Daniel A. Hunt ’92, 3/17/2005
Tomekia L. Lindley ’92
Nanci L. Rodgers ’92
John A. Schaefer ’92, 3/9/2023
Aleah D. Smith ’92
Debra R. Sonenshine ’92
Jamie K. Williams ’92, 8/5/2017
Michael E. Zonger ’92
Diane W. Butts ’93, 9/9/2021
Robert B. Henslee ’93
Renee C. McFarlane ’93
Larisa A. Slaughter ’93, 3/1/2013
Robert Michael Smith ’93, 4/6/2024
Vicki L. Stuart ’93, 7/12/2020
Suzanne R. Berry ’94, 4/13/2007
Brandon L. Galloway ’94, 11/29/2022
Lyndra S. Givens ’94
Catherine R. Lecron ’94, 3/29/2013
Matthew J. Martin ’94, 11/21/2000
Virginia A. Wagnon ’94
Carol Lynne “Lindy” Wine ’94, 6/6/2024
Harold G. Bell ’95
Knox S. Burnett ’95
Nikki T. Cooper ’95, 11/2020
Kendra E. Lewis ’95, 2/10/2020
Tamara L. Brandon ’96, 8/24/2011
Tracy Fried Farmer ’96, 7/24/24
Judith E. Johnson-Fair ’96, 4/16/2009
Pamela A. Long ’96, 4/15/2012
Jill A. Swenson ’96, 5/31/2024
Terra D. Winthrop ’96, 11/27/2020
William S. Bishop ’97, 12/16/2010
Timothy R. Crowley ’97
Robert C. Heath ’97
Yolanda J. Hernandez ’97, 5/25/2010
Stephanie M. Howard ’97, 8/13/2013
Patricia A. Lacour ’97, 2/3/2009
Beverly M. Sloan ’97, 1/26/2014
Brandon A. Stone ’97
April N. Bartosh ’98, 12/30/2015
Sandra L. Bashore ’98, 1/8/2011
Caryl A. Borea ’98
Laura A. Butts ’98, 4/22/2023
Susan K. Hall ’98, 1/19/2021
Cynthia E. Johnson ’98, 6/6/2006
Kevin M. Kelley ’98, 10/20/2005
Jean E. Pitts ’98, 10/31/2006
Deborah N. Propes ’98
Peter V. Sulkowski ’98, 8/1/2021
Bjorn Viberg ’98, 2/1/2015
Anthony I. Burdette ’99
Margaret W. Nix ’99
Vera C. Ray ’99
Suzanne C. Riordan ’99, 5/12/2012
Brandon J. Buchanan ’00, 5/15/2006
John P. Ferrell ’00, 12/31/2016
Amy L. Latus ’00
Farida Mensa-Bonsu ’00, 12/5/2001
Louise Ray ’00, 12/19/2008
Sharon E. Smith ’00, 7/17/2018
Linda W. Bolton ’01, 1/7/2008
Patricia L. Marks ’01, 1/18/2024
John P. Richie ’01, 9/1/2019
Ashley C. Taylor ’01, 7/15/2016
Lorie V. Terry ’01, 8/12/2008
Josh B. Blythe ’02, 10/20/2008
Terry B. Brooks ’02
Sri Hemanth Digumarthi ’02, 6/11/2022
Kevin F. Welch ’02, 12/12/2016
Mary Carol Wollenhaupt ’02, 9/10/2023
Lauren E. Letson ’03, 12/2/2022
Christine Cleveland Merkel ’03, 8/8/2024
William D. Hoffer ’04, 6/13/2021
Deborah Williams ’04, 12/23/2007
Rachel E. Bohan ’05, 3/14/2015
Kathryn L. Barrett ’06, 11/14/2021
Ed McCarthy ’06, 2/7/2015
Marie S. Stallworth ’06, 10/13/2017
Claudia Brady DeLoach ’09, 3/2/2024
Renee S. King ’09, 11/14/2023
Joshua D. Phillips ’09, 12/28/24
Jay S. Russell ’09, 1/14/18
Bradley T. White ’10, 4/16/2014
Deborah Martins-Pugh ’11, 9/14/24
Lauren M. Atkins ’12, 10/15/2013
Erik L. Downes ’12, 1/7/2011
Sean C. Smith ’12, 12/14/2016
Eric W. Quinn ’13, 11/1/2023
Haley M. Lister ’14
Patrick K. Kulick ’16, 5/2/2021
Martha A. Murphy ’16, 6/4/2020
This list includes updates reported to the university by family members, newspapers and other sources for retired university faculty who have passed away since January 1, 2023.
Monte Wolf, Ph.D., professor of Chemistry, May 13, 2023
David Patterson, Adjunct Instructor in Art (Film)